The Importance of Family

As human beings we have an innate and primitive need to connect and interact with other people. That need is amplified when it comes to those we consider family. As someone who was for a period of time completely distant and removed from my family circle, I began to yearn for those benefits that we reap from having strong and healthy relationships with loved ones. The support offered by family members is hard to find elsewhere and having someone that loves, encourages and gives you a sense of belonging is invaluable. And, we can’t ignore the satisfying feeling we personally get when we can reciprocate those very same things. Sometimes, especially when we reach a dark place in our lives, we sacrifice our relationships with our family. We may burn those bridges intentionally because we don’t acknowledge our value or think were not worthy of being part of our very own family. Other times, the decision is not ours and people choose to distance themselves from us for their own well-being. Not exclusive to people facing hardships, those who are experiencing success may encounter similar situations as they can take family for granted. Whatever the case is and whichever group you may identify with, we usually find ourselves looking for ways to fill the voids left by the need of family. Some choose drugs, many engage in other compulsive behaviors, and others fill their inner circle with toxic people.

When someone realizes that they feel a need to reintegrate into their family, their first thought may be, like mine was, “where do I start?” The fear that the family will not be welcoming and the expectation that it will be a hard process because of how much time you allowed to pass or because you believe the relationships are irreparable will be there. But, if you let those feelings and thoughts deter you, you will never know what the outcome might be! Determine to start small - pick up the phone and call your loved ones. Make them aware that you once again want to a part of their lives. You may find the feeling is mutual and that they have been waiting for that phone call for a very long time. When I realized that for myself, I made my phone call, and I encourage you to make yours.

Ray, Intern at The PILLARS

The Benefits of Workforce Development

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics report for August of 2018, there are currently 6.2 million Americans that are unemployed. Now, that’s a big number! One of the reasons for such a high number is that workers don’t have the ever-increasing skill set that businesses are demanding. In our fast-paced world where technology is advancing (almost) faster than the speed of light and new industries are popping up every day, it’s important to keep our workplace skill sets sharp. That’s where workforce development comes in!

“There’s a rapid change in skills needed in the workforce. Having access to affordable training is necessary.”

Maureen Herbert, Director of the Office of Continuing Education & Workforce Development at Vermont Technical College

Workforce development training can benefit everyone in all industries and all types of employment. For folks who only have a high school diploma it can give them the training and license requirements needed in fields that allow them to start work right away, rather than taking the 2-5 years for an associate’s or bachelor’s degree. One example of that is our 30-hour OSHA training class we just held here at The PILLARS in September over the course of just 4 days! We now have 27 more participants who are able to enter into the competitive market of construction and be a viable candidate!

“Most businesses that want to grow want to help employees engage in their jobs at a new level, especially if they have been in the role [for a long time].”

Katherine Morosani, Director of Asheville Center for Professional Studies

 Workforce development can also help already employed workers who want to build on their existing skills in order to advance in their current workplace. Not only that, but they can use available trainings to make them relevant and more valuable in a competitive market. When trying to dip your toes in a new career, the speed and ease of these kinds of workforce trainings are essential to staying on top of your game. Not to mention, that the ability to adapt to new technologies and innovation is an important marketable skill that will give them an edge in their current employment or with their job search.

The fields in which job opportunities has risen the most are healthcare, wholesale trade, transportation, warehousing, and construction; all fields in which a short training course and fulfillment of license requirements are all that is needed in order to join these rapidly growing fields. Please join us at The PILLARS to help us help you be the most successful person you can be!

Goldie,BSW Intern at The PILLARS

Acupressure as a Compliment

It’s an honor to serve our community and to inform PILLARS members of a little known treatment that has proven via testimony to have a positive impact on the lives of folks and their families. Acupressure beads placed on a few points on our ears (auricular) has been helpful in reducing stress, anxiety, cravings, and pain.

Several weeks ago, we received a call with some exciting news from a cancer patient who credits acupuncture/acupressure with significantly easing the many discomforts of having chemo therapy. This particular patient is a retired registered nurse, who when told of the success many have had with acupuncture dismissed the stories for one reason or another. But now, this patient has experienced the benefits for themselves!

Personally, a debt of gratitude is owed to the mentors at the Lincoln Recovery Center in the South Bronx.

George Plaskett, Acupressure at The PILLARS

#BLESSED September is Recovery Month

Congratulations!!! You are exactly where you need to be, and you are right on time.

It is National Recovery Month, which is a time to reflect on your own recovery, acknowledge accomplishments and growth, bask in gratitude, spread the joy to others and to raise awareness about addiction! It is important to recognize others’ accomplishments and also your own! It is not selfish to be proud of yourself for your accomplishments and to want to share the excitement. It is so easy to make high expectations about where you “should be”, but I am here to tell you that it is ok to not meet them.  

“We Seek Progress not Perfection”

Your effort is enough, remember that. This month I am feeling an overwhelming presence of gratitude and serenity; however, it is difficult to not get stuck in the past. I entered recovery because I was desperate and hopeless. My life today is beyond my wildest dreams, yet it is still difficult to not get swept up in reflection. So, if you are reminiscing this month you are not alone. Instead of focusing on who I was before recovery and getting stuck in a negative mindset I am focusing on using those experiences to show others that they are not alone. Everything that we have been through happened for a reason and in my experience, it is often to be useful to another person. 

“Live and Let Live”

This month is also reminding me how lucky I am to be in recovery and that every day is a blessing. That I have been restored. Also, that in order to maintain this feeling of gratitude and serenity I need to continue to let go. Every day I need to let go of my expectations, my fears, and resentments. Recovery is not always magical and fun. It is hard work and daily provisions, yet I can happily say my worst day in recovery is way better than my best day in addiction. It is also important during September to raise awareness and to reach your hand out.

There are numerous events going on in NYC to raise awareness for addictions. Check out to find events near you! If you are struggling with addiction and thinking about entering recovery/just need to talk, feel free to call The PILLARS. You can also call 1-800-662-HELP which is SAMHAS’s National Helpline and is free, confidential and open 24/7. The PILLARS will be hosting a Recovery Bingo Night on September 28th at 8:00-10:30 in honor of National Recovery month. Please RSVP HERE ( for more details and come on by! Come join the fellowship, grab some food, and play some Recovery bingo!

Member of The PILLARS

Drug Abuse and Baby Boomers

Baby Boomers’ and Seniors’ substance abuse more than doubled from 2002 to 2018. Illegal drug use, among the 50 + age group, increased by 63%. In 2003, they accounted for 48% of all drug related deaths. Most were in their mid to late 40’s, who were binging and participating in new risky behaviors.  Another source of abuse is due to the overwhelming amount of prescriptions dispensed. According to one data source, 60% of all senior’s doctors’ visits ends with a prescription. They consume an average of 4.5 medications, and 3.5 over-the-counter drugs per week. This combination of medications accounts for 15% of all hospital visits from adverse drug related events.

Some complexities informing their use are: loneliness, isolation, divorce, lack of purpose, medical and physical concerns, life transitions, depression, pain management, grief & loss, and economic decline. Concerns related to abuse are increased homelessness, increased criminal and high-risk sexual behaviors, food and economic insecurity, organ failure, brain damage, and high rates of family disintegration.  Another thought is that they are the only segment of the population exposed to a “positive” drug culture who were more likely to be anti-establishment, free-thinkers, hippies, or among the social elite.

Stigma & Stereotypes.

Some view addiction as a brain disease, with a primary driver of compulsivity.  It is assumed that once a substance is consumed, it activates the reward pathway and produces a state of euphoria which compels one to continue to use. The disease is thought to be progressive and escalating; therefore, not even the warning of potential death by a doctor, or on a label, will cause one to stop using. More often than not, use becomes abuse, and abuse becomes dependence.

 Seniors are experiencing the same stereotypes and stigma associated with addiction as teens and young adults. Judgement of the senior’s lack of morals, values and will to stop, often increases their social isolation, shame and guilt.  One even stated “I’d rather have heart disease…then you’d understand that I need treatment…not hate.”

Treatment & Recovery

Today, there are more individuals, over 55, in treatment for cocaine and heroin addictions then in the previous 5 years. It is determined that a one-size-fits-all approach is not the best ideology, because older adults tend to enter treatment with more desperation, a deeper spiritual void, and a greater desire for self-actualization than their younger counterparts who may be trying to avoid consequences of justice involvement.  Seniors may have barriers which are unique; therefore, treatment and recovery should be age-specific, and address their values, life-stage and physical abilities. Extended detoxification and medical stabilization should be factored into the medical plan. Slower transitions between levels of care are important. Seniors often have complications due to impaired cognitive functioning, and/or declines in speech and hearing. They are in need of longer rest and relaxation periods; therefore, mixing them with teens and young adults was not an effective approach. And, holistic approaches to psychiatry, spirituality, and physical therapy seem to have the best outcomes.

Policy Development.

The development of policies should be three-fold and include injury prevention, promotion of public information, and a centralized system to track prescriptions. As we know, current policy has been developed to track prescriptions; other developments are still necessary.

Mixing alcohol and prescription drugs increases the risk of personal injuries due to falls; and additional prescribing of medications to manage the pain after the fall continues the vicious cycle of abuse among the 60 + group. Public Awareness campaigns should be focused on protecting our seniors from this avoidable circumstance.

It is commonplace for seniors to be prescribed medications for a multitude of ailments; however, the current prescription medication tracking system is not designed to generate warnings for adverse interactions among medications from multiple providers. This is an area for future development.

-Felecia Pullen, CEO of The PILLARS 


Why I go to The PILLARS

A few months ago a friend asked me to come check out where she worked, The Pillars.  Since my first visit, the center has been a weekly staple, and I’m hoping to go even more.  It’s blessed my life and I want it to do the same for as many people as possible. Here are the top three amazing reasons I go to The Pillars:

1.  Felecia Pullen

Felecia is the founder of The Pillars, and I was lucky enough to meet her on my first visit.  Although it was clear she had stacks of paper to get through and important phone calls to make, she warmly invited my friend and me to chat with her in her office.  Felecia is one of those people that really looks at you and listens with her whole heart. She is genuine, kind, and you can tell she’s been through blood sweat and tears to get where she’s at.  Although I am not sure of her personal beliefs, while spending time with this beautiful woman I felt in the presence of God. She’s real and she’s raw and she hustles. I can’t imagine how many lives she has touched and now with the opening of The Pillars how many more will be added to that list.  If there is anything her hand is in, I want to be a part of it. She’s as refreshing as they come so don’t be shy to stop and say hi.

2.  The Space and Energy

When I walk into The Pillars I notice two things right away.  One, the space is incredibly clean and well kept. I’m someone who notices these things and a clean bathroom and floors go a long way.  Second, the energy in the facility is extremely serene, safe, and healing. The Pillars offers a variety of services, all with the goal of helping people to feel better.  You know it’s a good sign when all you have to do is walk into a place and suddenly you can breathe a bit easier. All the various areas from the yoga room to computer workstation are brand new and gorgeous.  If I know I’m going to The Pillars at night, I look forward to it the entire day.

3.  ACOA

The meeting that I have been attending at The Pillars is ACOA, or Adult Children of Alcoholics.  I cannot say enough how much of a blessing this has been for me. Growing up in a household with alcohol and generational dysfunction, I have a lot of healing that needs to be done.  Previously, I had tried Al-anon (a support and discussion group for the relatives of people suffering from alcoholism), and AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) for support of my family trauma. Neither of those meetings really were a great fit for me, and they were scattered all over the city in places that didn’t personally feel safe for me.  My first ACOA meeting at The Pillars brought me to tears. I learned so much about my life and my choices in one hour, I was truly touched. The fellowship was truly special, and I believe that stems from Felecia’s truly incredible place. People walk in and are welcomed with open arms. We can sit in a clean, safe, place and cry if we need to.  This meeting is changing my life one week at a time.

If I had to describe The Pillars with one word it would be “healing.”  The doors are open for you, free of charge, so I encourage you to check it out.  It’s a special place- one that has changed my life and can do the same for you.

-Anonymous, PILLARS Member

Step 7- Humility

[Humbly asked him to remove our short comings].

The key principle to this step is humility. I have come to understand that as a direct result of my diseased thinking,  I must become humble or face being humiliated. My recovery process has been an up hill journey, yet I have had some pitfalls. My strength truly lies in my recovery and my relationship with myself, higher power and my support network. The choices I make are influenced by consciousness opposed to thoughtlessness and within this, I gain power. In the times when I feel powerless, becoming humble is a force driven by my higher power. I can tell you that sometimes I am amazed at my responses. My outlook on life has surpassed my old belief systems and I look forward to the continued recovery process.

-Christine, PILLARS Member


Step 6-Change of Heart

Step Six: “Become entirely ready to have God remove all your character weaknesses."

Willingness is the key in this step. I have not had a moment in my life, in which I have asked my higher power to remove all of my defects of character. I clearly understand that without asking for the help and being willing to do the work needed to change, I will not be freed from the bondage that is associated with my defects of character. I also understand that after working on and writing about my sixth step, that I have the rest of my life to increase my willingness. This is not to say that I want to remain stuck, however just to say that freedom is not free.  My defects of character have helped me to navigate through life, at times (I think), that I’m ready to ask for the removal of them all. Then suddenly, I act out on about three of them at once. I may or may not be aware of the behavior instantly, however, I do check in with myself at the end of my day and explore my overall behavior. I want to gain a clearer insight spiritually and see my defects of character flaring up, before I act out on them. The only way that this can happen, is for me to continue my recovery and maintain open mindedness. 

-Christine, PILLARS Member

Step 5- “Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs."


When taking the 5th step in recovery, I needed to read it, process it, and then pray on it, to share with another how spiritually ill I was. It helped a great deal to have a recovery coach who I trusted to bare my soul to. From my earliest days, I was sent to a church and they often said “God is going to punish you for this or that”. When I became convinced that God forgives me when I wake up after going to sleep at night, and with every breath I take. It was easier to forgive myself for all the unhealthy things I’ve done to other’s as well as to myself. Our mother was the first person who I found the courage to address, with all the pain I caused her. My first born was next. When she said “I thought you didn’t love me, when you left mom”. I felt so small, that I caused her to feel that way. Her acceptance of my present state in recovery, surely inspires me to continue on this healthier journey. I actually feel very blessed to have been introduce to eastern traditions. These traditions along with training in the NADA 5-point ear therapy treatments, drives an internal engine to find peace in each present moment. I read all the fellowship literature that was suggested (Still do today) and read a book that suggested I say “goodbye to guilt”. Saying goodbye to guilt was huge for self-forgiveness. My high power (the universal god), lives inside. All external things are not as important as they once were. These 12 steps and traditions have,and continues to be a reminder of the deep despair I felt for so many years.


A New Outlook on Healthy Living

On Saturday April 7th, Sonja Herbert the founder of Black Girl Fit & Well in collaboration with The PILLARS curated an event called The State of The Healthy Black Girl. This event was centered around Black women, health and fitness.  The panel guests were inspiring Black female fitness instructors/trainers in health and wellness. The panelist specialized in Pilates, Personal Training, Swimming, Spinning, Education and Fitness Consulting, and Holistic Nutrition. Every panelist discussed their stories of personal growth through fitness and explained how important fitness is in Black Women’s Culture and Health. The entire panel explained the importance of exercise and healthy eating because these habits can prolong life and allow everyone to live life to the fullest.

One of the panelist, Ms. Myrna Brady, stressed how important it is to wake up in the morning and take a moment for yourself. She explained that many people fail to realize that a healthy life starts with self-care. Furthermore, that it is crucial to learn to love yourself and embrace who you are through the process of self-care, because then you can truly live life to your highest potential. Ms. Myra suggested waking up in the morning and taking five minutes to tune into yourself. Another panelist, Ms. Crystal Williams, spoke about health care for Black Women. Ms. Crystal Williams shared about her battles with her eye-sight at the mere age of 20 and how this forced her to change her diet.

A major point of the discussion among the panelists was exercising in a way that is feasible to you. Some of us cannot afford gym memberships or don’t have the time in our hectic schedules to devote time to the gym. However, we can exercise in our house for a few minutes a day. There are exercise videos on YouTube that cater to individuals that cannot go to the gym and they focus on utilizing the body as a machine. It is important that everyone discover a technique that allows them to take care of themselves and live a healthy-full life.

After an uplifting and educational panel discussion all the women switched into comfortable attire and worked out for 30 -minutes in The PILLARS. This event shared how to live a healthier life, enjoy a workout and the chance to be encouraged by other women.  Don’t worry, if you were unable to join us for this event because Sonja Herbert will be hosting another event within The PILLARS soon!

-Stephanie Camachoo, MSW Intern at The PILLARS

Now offering- Afro-fusion Dance!

Afro-fusion is a mix of African dances, offered at The PILLARS. This dance combines influences from Caribbean, African America, and African cultures. Afro-fusion has amazing benefits that reduce stress, all the while creating a great workout! By its expression and rhythmic movement, the body remains constantly active. Even more exhilarating is the spiritual experience where somehow your spirit, mind, and soul are connected. When dancing, you can feel a positive energy which helps to free emotions and escape from any stress.

If we enable our bodies to move freely, we empower ourselves. We will be able to express everything that comes from our hearts and put away every fear, stress, anxiety, judgment, or negatives self talk. For us Afro-fusion is more than a dance, its an opportunity to activity live out the  four tenets of the PILLARS. We care about creating new ways of looking at and living life. Holistic care is multi-dimensional and soothes deeper than the surface level, but rather supports a lifestyle worth living for. 

Join us every week for Afro-fusion classes. Feel the rhythm in the beat...

-Yissel Almonte, BSW Intern at The PILLARS

Join Our Community of Young People

TheSafetyNetLogo (clear Background)  (2).png

Are you feeling alone, depressed, stressed, anxious, fearful, tired, or struggling with addiction or mental health? Come to The SAFETY Net where you will be welcomed with open arms! You deserve to be supported and do not need to rely on negative coping skills any longer. Today is the day that things can change! Stop on by!

Being young and juggling everything that is demanded of you can be stressful. It is exhausting to be in school all day, partaking in extracurricular activities, working, completing homework and making time for a social life. It is not uncommon to feel isolated and like you are not being supported. The overwhelming stress, anxieties, and frustrations are too much to handle alone. So many people resort to drinking alcohol, using drugs, isolating or using other maladaptive behavior; however, these are not long-term tools and can become destructive.  

Good news though: you are not alone and you do not need to handle everything by yourself. Come to the SAFETY Net and become part of the supportive young people community. You will meet other teens and young adults who can relate to what you are going through and who can offer support. The community here at The SAFETY Net is welcoming to all and a safe place for everyone to come to.

In our center, we have a computer lab to do homework in, FREE classes to help manage stress, weekly game/movie nights, a space to relax and more! Furthermore, here at The SAFETY Net we provide alternative tools to manage stress and life’s changes, so that you do not need to rely on negative behaviors. Every week we offer yoga, reiki, acupuncture, and dance classes. We practice a holistic approach to help everyone who walks through the doors. We can also connect you to other services if you need support with mental health, addiction, eating disorder, etc.

Call or email us for more information about The SAFETY Net (OPENING MAY 2018)

-Shannon Blanch, BSW Intern at The PILLARS



Never Underestimate the Power of Gradual


Almost everyone I’ve ever met has lived a portion of life in the midst of a belief system that says he or she can finesse what’s necessary for themselves, if only they’re smart enough to think quick and take that punch. Timing is crucial, but if only I can jump on that big opportunity and pull the trigger, I’ll be set, done. No worries. I’m good.

That’s not how it worked out for me. Not that I didn’t have memorable and intense experiences, modest success in my vocation and avocation, and impressive social contacts. I started to live in a spiritually inefficient way. I spent several decades gradually laminating the layers of the thickening walls of my tiny dungeon of substance abuse and behavioral isolation. I was, in a word, disappointed in life, ignoring much of what anybody else could do for me or say about me. I felt cheated in life. I took the stuff so I didn’t have to care about me, or others. I quit. I ran my life like a predetermined wreck, enjoying the self-pity, thinking I was a loser, in bad faith and bad self image, believing the stigma of a street-stupid junkie was deserved but resenting it all the same.

In my mid-fifties, I finally had enough, admitted to friends that I needed help, and got it.  Eventually, I accepted the unique gift of recovery and acted as if I deserved something that huge. Never underestimate the power of the gradual to heal. I have never looked back.

That’s how I found The PILLARS. Through ongoing training and perseverance, I am allowed to, as we say here, “meet you where you’re at” when you walk in the door. As a Peer Advocate, I am actually qualified to meet you by virtue of my lived experience. Who could have imagined I would be of service by sharing what I have in common with others in recovery!? This grateful addict is able to have a purposeful conversation with someone he just met, listen actively to him or her, ask the right questions to discover where, exactly, his or her strengths lie, what’s been successful for the person in the past, and where we go from here, just for now. Holistic Recovery Support at The PILLARS is all about the freedom of self-directed recovery. Free! For the mind, body and spirit, the whole person and his or her family and community.

I believe the key to this ability is that my contribution is from the heart. I can’t be your counselor or treatment clinician; that’s somebody else’s lane, and I’m happy to refer a recoveree to our colleagues in the field who have the necessary skills for a friendly handoff. My task is a joyful one of cheerleader, active listener, lifestyle mentor, confidant, resource broker, advocate for pathways of wellness and recovery, and concerned friend and sounding board.

It’s also rewarding to share my experience with recoverees who express an interest in the twelve step program of my choice, when appropriate. My personal history more often than not has some similarity to that of the person now before me, making a commitment to his or her own wellness and recovery.

The PILLARS: Recovering people helping people in recovery

-Byron Stevens, Peer Recovery Coach at The PILLARS

Pregnant? Pass on the Pot

Many women understand the dangers of drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes while pregnant but are unaware that smoking marijuana while pregnant is also detrimental to the baby's health. THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, the chemical compound found in cannabis, is able to cross the placenta and enter the baby’s system. Additionally, THC and other chemicals can pass through breast milk to the baby while mothers are breastfeeding. A baby exposed to THC may have issues like interference with fetal brain development, lower birth weights, higher risk of admission to the neonatal intensive care unit, and more. Additionally, an ACS case is immediately opened when a baby tests positive for THC. 

The PILLARS Chief Executive Officer, Felecia Pullen, rallying the team outside of the Ulysses. S. Grant Houses. 

The PILLARS Chief Executive Officer, Felecia Pullen, rallying the team outside of the Ulysses. S. Grant Houses. 

In partnership with Safe in Harlem, Harlem Hospital, the New York Police Department (NYPD), ThriveNYC, the Army National Guard Counter-Drug Task Force and the office of Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, The PILLARS began a campaign within Harlem NYCHA Developments to disseminate information to women on the topic so that they can be prepared to have a healthy pregnancy and in turn a healthy baby. The campaign began on Thursday March 29th at the Ulysses S. Grant Houses.

Manhattan Borough President, Gale Brewer, with partners disseminating information at the Ulysses S. Grant Houses. 

Manhattan Borough President, Gale Brewer, with partners disseminating information at the Ulysses S. Grant Houses. 

The PILLARS is offering a FREE eight-week program called "Love Yourself, Love Your Baby". This program will be offered to pregnant women who want to learn holistic ways to deal with stress. We believe we can't just ask them to put marijuana aside without helping them pick up something in its place that is healthy and sustainable. The program will begin on Thursday April 26th for eight consecutive weeks, and will include services like yoga, meditation, and acupressure.

Check out the following article in the Manhattan Times for more information:

-Miranda Cazin, BSW Intern at The PILLARS

In Brett's Honor

The PILLARS ribbon cutting ceremony

Brett should have been there.

Ann Bacek’s son Brett was a close friend of Felecia Pullen, who held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for her new facility and was joined by elected officials and community partners for the happy occasion.

But Bacek explained that her son died from substance abuse in December 2016.

After being clean for nearly 13 years, Brett suffered a relapse.

“I thought I was good, I thought he’d made it,” said Bacek. “It shows that the battle of addiction is ongoing. It never stops.”

She spoke at the opening of Pillars Recovery Center, a new space in Harlem providing free services for people recovering from substance abuse as well as their families – together with Felecia Pullen, its Chief Executive Officer, and Brett’s friend.

Harlem's PILLARS Recovery Center

City and State officials celebrated the opening of Harlem’s first center for substance abuse recovery Tuesday afternoon.

The new Pillars Recovery Center on 289 St. Nicholas Avenue near West 125th Street will help people maintain sobriety after drug addiction treatment through services such as support and educational groups and 12-step programs, officials said Tuesday.

The program was created by Harlem resident Felecia Pullen. The Fordham News reports that Pullen is a doctoral candidate in the Graduate School of Social Service researching how addiction affects her Harlem neighborhood. She is the president of Let’s Talk SAFETY, Inc., a not-for-profit dedicated to substance abuse prevention for teens and youth. And she is the chief operating officer of The PILLARS, a recovery center in the heart of Harlem.

Manhattan's First Addiction Recovery Center Opens In Harlem

The new Pillars Recovery Center on 289 St. Nicholas Ave. near West 125th Street will help people maintain sobriety after drug addiction treatment through services such as support and educational groups and 12-step programs, officials said Tuesday.

"One you're through with treatment you need that support in the community," New York State Office of Alcoholism & Substance Abuse Services Commissioner Arlene González-Sánchez said Tuesday. "Only places like this will support people in sobriety for a long time."

Governor Cuomo Announces Grand Opening

"Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced the grand opening of the new $1.75 million Pillars Recovery Center in New York City. The center will increase access to free services for people in recovery from a substance use disorder and provide support to their families. With the opening of this center in Harlem, OASAS now has a recovery center in every borough of New York City."

I'm Seeking Job Elimination in 2017...

During my own addiction, I traveled down a dark, tumultuous and extreme winding road of despair. My designer-draped external shell was a mere smokescreen for my brittle-boned skeletal frame, which protected the directionless compass of my mind and ill-fated spirit. Despite all appearances, I was hopeless and rooted in fear and self-pity, my life was unmanageable, I was the queen of emotional manipulation, I abused others around me, I took numerous hostages, and I could care less of the wreckage which I left in my wake. After drugs and alcohol ceased to ease the pain, and to quiet the noises, suicide seemed the only way out. But, after several attempts to end my life, it became obvious that death was not the plan for me...but, why did I live?

That question crosses my mind everytime I lose someone to addiction. The answer is fraught with survivor's guilt; but, it is also grounded in gratitude. I lived so that I can tell my story of addiction, depression AND recovery. I lived so that the ultimate sacrifice, my life, did not have to be my way of giving back. I lived so that my journey in addiction would inform a new way of living. I lived so that I could, through a career in social work, substance abuse prevention and addiction recovery, help others to know the joys of a drug-free life too. I lived so that I could make amends for the pain I caused others. I lived so that I could change the way some view addiction. But, most importantly, I lived so that I could truly peace, in harmony with others, and in happiness.

Everyday, I work toward the eradication of substance abuse. Everyday, I actively participate in the vision and creation of a drug-free world. Everyday, I aim to teach others how I did that they can do it too. Everyday, I seek for my work to be focused in RECOVERY!

So, here's to being gainfully an addictions specialist in 2017!